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The Housing and Development Law Institute (HDLI) is a nationwide non-profit member organization whose mission is to serve as a legal resource to public housing and redevelopment agencies, their developers and legal counsel.


Joining HDLI

HDLI relies upon membership support to underwrite all of its activities in support of the housing community.   The annual membership fee for a housing agency is based upon the total number of public housing and Section 8 units it owns, manages, or administers, or is based upon its resident population, whichever is best applicable. Law firm membership is based upon the firm's number of attorneys. There are additional rates for corporate and governmental members.

NAHRO, PHADA, and CLPHA members all receive a 10% discount on their HDLI membership dues.

Join HDLI Now!

Housing Agency Annual Dues
Discount for Members



0 - 499 units or population up to 24,999
500 - 2,499 units or pop. 50,000 - 349,999
2500 - 4,999 units or pop. 350,000 - 499,999
5,000 or more units or pop. 500,000 or more

Law Firm Annual Dues

Small Law Firm (1-15 attorneys): $995

Medium Law Firm (16-50 attorneys): $1650

Large Law Firm (50 or more attorneys): $2195

Corporate: $2495

Governmental: $995

HDLI Sponsors

Law Firms and other companies interested in sponsoring HDLI can get prominent recognition in HDLI's publications, conference materials and training materials.

How to Join

Please complete the membership application mail it to the address on the form, or fax to (202) 289-3401, or e-mail to hdli@hdli.org. You can also join over the telephone by calling (202) 289-3400.


HDLI accepts payment by check, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. We will also accept purchase orders from public agencies. You can use PayPal if you are joining online.

Student Membership

HDLI now offers Student Membership at a special low rate for currently enrolled students who want to gain legal insight into the affordable housing industry and network with practicing lawyers and housing officials.


Housing and Development Law Institute; 630 I Street, NW; Washington, D.C., 20001; Phone: 202-289-3400; E-mail: hdli@hdli.org