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The Housing and Development Law Institute (HDLI) is a nationwide non-profit member organization whose mission is to serve as a legal resource to public housing and redevelopment agencies, their developers and legal counsel.



At regular intervals, HDLI publishes these exclusive periodicals:

HDLI's Quarterly Review A quarterly compilation of nationwide case law affecting housing and redevlopment agencies, with links to cases and other referenced authorities.  Also covers quarterly HUD rules and notices.
The Index
to HUD Regulations
Features the only comprehensive index to HUD's Title 24 regulations, by subject matter and acronym.  Updated annually and provided in electronic PDF format.  This publication is free to members and available for $125 to non-members.  Order Here



Housing and Development Law Institute; 630 I Street, NW; Washington, D.C., 20001; Phone: 202-289-3400; E-mail: hdli@hdli.org